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Focusing Screens
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Nikon Focusing Screens
Focusing screens for Nikon SLR film cameras.
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Nikon F/F2 Focusing Screen H3
Nikon focusing screen H3 for Nikon F and F2
Clear Fresnel field with microprism focusing pattern over the entire screen area. Permits rapid focusing on any part of the screen with optimum edge-to-edge brightness in poor light. For focals lengths from 300mm to 400mm
The focusing screen is in excellent condition.
Item comes with original box.
59,00 EUR
Price includes VAT under the VAT Secondhand Margin Scheme. VAT content of the price is not reclaimable. excl.
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Nikon F3 Focusing Screen B
Contains a Matte/Fresnel field with a 12mm-diameter fine-ground matte focusing spot.
Excellent condition
59,00 EUR
Price includes VAT under the VAT Secondhand Margin Scheme. VAT content of the price is not reclaimable. excl.
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Nikon F3 Focusing Screen C
Nikon Focusing Screen C for Nikon F3. in excellent condition.
Fine matte field with a cross hair reticle in a clear 4mm-diameter center spot. It is a special application focusing screen used for assignments suchas photo-micrography and astrophotography, and other applications involving high magnifications.
Item comes with original box.
Delivery time:
ca. 3-4 Days
(abroad may vary)
49,00 EUR
Delivery time:
ca. 3-4 Days
Price includes VAT under the VAT Secondhand Margin Scheme. VAT content of the price is not reclaimable. excl.
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Nikon F3 Focusing Screen D
Overall fine-ground matte field. For specialized close-up photography and for use with long lenses.
As new condition.
59,00 EUR
Price includes VAT under the VAT Secondhand Margin Scheme. VAT content of the price is not reclaimable. excl.
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Nikon F3 Focusing Screen E
Nikon focusing screen E for Nikon F3
Matte/Fresnel field with 3mm diameter fineground matte spot, 2mm reference circle and etched horizontal and vertical lines. Ideal for architectural photography.
The focusing screen is in excellent condition.
Item comes with original box.
Delivery time:
ca. 3-4 Days
(abroad may vary)
59,00 EUR
Delivery time:
ca. 3-4 Days
Price includes VAT under the VAT Secondhand Margin Scheme. VAT content of the price is not reclaimable. excl.
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Nikon F3 Focusing Screen H3
Nikon focusing screen H3 for Nikon F3
Clear Fresnel field with microprism focusing pattern over the entire screen area. Permits rapid focusing on any part of the screen with optimum edge-to-edge brightness in poor light. For focals lengths from 300mm to 400mm
The focusing screen is in excellent condition.
Item comes with original box.
Delivery time:
ca. 3-4 Days
(abroad may vary)
59,00 EUR
Delivery time:
ca. 3-4 Days
Price includes VAT under the VAT Secondhand Margin Scheme. VAT content of the price is not reclaimable. excl.
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Nikon F3 Focusing Screen M
Nikon Focusing Screen M for Nikon F3 in excellent condition.
Fresnel with Double Cross Hairs and Scales. It comes with a double cross-hair reticle and scales on a clear surface. Recommended for photomicrography, close-ups and other work involving high magnification. This screen provides a brilliant viewing even in low light situation. The markings are good for determining image size and magnification ratios. Requires viewfinder with focusing control.
Item comes with original packaging.
Delivery time:
ca. 3-4 Days
(abroad may vary)
59,00 EUR
Delivery time:
ca. 3-4 Days
Price includes VAT under the VAT Secondhand Margin Scheme. VAT content of the price is not reclaimable. excl.
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Nikon F3 Focusing Screen U
Nikon focusing screen U for Nikon F3
Matte/Fresnel field with 3mm fine-ground matte focusing spot and 12mm reference circle. Utilizes the same matte field as Type B, but with lenses longer than 100mm the image in the viewfinder is easier to see. With shorter focal length lenses, this screen is not suitable because of light falloff in the corners.
The focusing screen is in excellent condition.
Item comes with original box.
59,00 EUR
Price includes VAT under the VAT Secondhand Margin Scheme. VAT content of the price is not reclaimable. excl.
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