Nikon manual Focus Lenses (F, Ai, Ai-S mount)

MF Lenses

Manual focus lenses fit Nikon cameras F, F2, F3, Nikkormat models, FM, FM2(n), FE2, FA, FG and FM3A. Concerning compatibility with Nikon autofocus or digital cameras feel free to contact us.

Nikon TC-200 2x Teleconverter
Nikon TC-200 2x Teleconverter optimized for AI lenses

Perfect working order, only slight wear.

Item comes with rear cap.
49,00 EUR
Price includes VAT under the VAT Secondhand Margin Scheme. VAT content of the price is not reclaimable. excl. Shipping costs
Nikon TC-201 2x Teleconverter
Nikon TC-201 2x Teleconverter optimized for AIS lenses

Perfect working order, only slight wear.

Item comes with rear cap.
59,00 EUR
Price includes VAT under the VAT Secondhand Margin Scheme. VAT content of the price is not reclaimable. excl. Shipping costs
1 to 16 (from a total of 16)